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how to approach adding behavior to your site will give copies of his book, Bulletproof AJAX, away to good questions be pure: separation between HTML, CSS, JavaScript so progressive enhancement, beginning with a solid structure and then building on top begin with the content, add structure, then presentation on top and behavior on top of that structure = HTML, presentation = CSS, behavior = JavaScript the beauty of this is you can strip away each layer and still have something useful CSS and JavaScript are subservient to structure DOM = document object model, the vocabulary used to talk about the loaded document CSS and JavaScript are in some ways similar for CSS, use p{}. for DOM, document.getElementsByTagName("p") not that different from CSS in terms of visualizing the page page is elements with properties English: get all the p elements lolcat: i can has p elementz CSS: #foo{} vs DOM: document.getElementById("foo") CSS: #foo p{} vs DOM: document.getElementById("foo").getElementsByTagName("p") on, right-hand column has behaviors Click on headline and content will hide Customize choose a theme part think about it in English first, then translate get all the headers in the sidebar, then attach the toggleHeader behavior to each onclick toggleHeader finds all the elements in the same div and hides all but the header didn't touch the markup. just added the behavior. "I'm being *pure*." in the real world, sometimes have to add extra div or class "The standards police aren't going to come visit you in the night." be vigilant: try to avoid mixing layers try not to use inline styles similarly, don't do <a href="javascript:..."> "This is the spawn of Satan." because it's not a valid hypertext reference (href). JavaScript isn't a protocol. avoid it like the plague, there's no good reason ever to use it similarly <a href="#" onclick="..."> "href equals octothorpe" it's mixing up your behavior and your markup when you should keep them separate think about the semantics - is it a link, is it a paragraph common pattern of "add your review and rating" page can do star hovering rating with CSS semantic purpose of star rating isn't five links, it's a select (or radio buttons) so mark it up as a select, then enhance stolen code for function selectReplacement from Aaron Gustafson it replaces a select element with a dropdown unordered list you can style new book Advanced DOM Scripting, final chapter by Aaron about this code - started as Brazilian version of Craigslist, now spread select category, then select related subcategory (i.e. Community Discussion, Art) first semantically mark up, with subcategories related to categories - optgroup element optgroups are a way of associating sets of options in a select so just make one select for the subcategory, since can figure out category from subcategory sometimes more clicks are better: subcategory list is long but only one click better to click twice and have the category and subcategory so use createSelectFromOptgroups to replace the one subcategory select with two "Feel free to nitpick the code and tell me what I'm doing wrong." JavaScript has started to be used unobtrusively instead of evilly in the past few years and then AJAX came along, and people suddenly started ignoring separation of behavior but can apply progressive enhancement to xmlhttprequest: he calls this "hijax" "If I've learned anything from Jesse James Garrett, it's that buzzwords will get you everywhere." if you want to build an AJAX website, build a non-AJAX website first once that's all working, then go in and intercept those clicks: hijack them use xmlhttprequest to shuttle data back and forth to the server "Don't try to do business logic in JavaScript in the browser; that way lies madness." that's creating an unnecessary technological barrier to getting stuff done example - expensive cycling wear widget on page for adding to shopping basket - just changes shopping basket part of page built with full page refreshes first'POST', 'basket-update.php', true); (true says is asynchronous request) request.onreadystatechange - if ready and status done, set basket.innerHTML challenges of AJAX don't lie in the code, though tricky bit is the design challenges you're taking the browser out of the equation (browsing model) and must replicate functionality what's happening? what happened? what does the Back button do? what does bookmarking do? browsers have progress bar or spinning icon to show they're working you need to provide status information - progress bar, spinning circle, etc. look to the Flash world because they've had to do this for years conventions can be good, especially since AJAX is new and scary 37Signals's yellow fade indicating something just updated if users want to bookmark a changed state, you probably shouldn't be using AJAX same for using the Back button you're changing too much of the page, and users aren't comfortable to see whether you're changing too much, do user testing if you're changing the markup with JavaScript, how can you say you're separating behavior? create new markup, not new content in the document. rearranging is OK. same thing Eric was talking about with for rollover images that are links that just pop up info, what use instead of href="#"? using link because links do :hover properly would suggest using onmouseover instead of CSS :hover and :focus are getting behavior in presentation "Hover considered harmful" blog post he'll use :hover for changing link color, etc., though difference between GET and POST? don't use GET to create, update, delete anything on the server had Delete links in Basecamp - it's private instead of spiderable, but things got autodeleted people had Google Accelerator that prefetches links, so it was prefetching the Delete links because the links were GET instead of POST no one supports PUT or DELETE requests