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the 800 pound gorilla is awake again! (King Kong pic) IE was dead, rolled into the operating system, but now it's back "if it steps on me, I'm going to be a small raspberry stain." tower biplanes played, in this case, by Firefox and Safari and so on IE's group program manager announced 100 million installations after a couple months at first there was a question about whether people would install it at all making IE upgrade part of a Windows update was one of the best things Microsoft had done in years WebSideStory reported 25% of people using IE7, but their statistics aren't really great really you care about the browsers visiting *your* sites was in charge of Netscape DevEdge editorial (and some development) for two years initially assumed could design for Firefox and Gecko but IE accounted for 60% of their traffic IE7 advances in CSS fixed positioning things static with respect to the viewport (browser window) i.e. fixed footers at the bottom legal teams will probably want to make copyright visible all the time but you can also use for navigation elements, etc. make sure to put padding on the bottom of the body so it doesn't get hidden behind another good use was a blog's comment form fixed in the sidebar (since redesigned) idea: JavaScript so you could click a paragraph and have it quoted into comment min-width, max-width, min-height, max-height attribute selectors div[class] is any div that has any class div[class~="val"] is any div with a class attribute containing val, like div.val div[class|="val"] is any div with a class attribute starting with val img[alt|="figure"] would be all images with alt tag figureX CSS3 has more: [attr*="val"] will find anywhere in string, like [href*=".org"] though that will also catch also selectors for begins with and ends with input[type="text"] finally, instead of making radio buttons hundreds of px wide input[value="required"] so input with "required" inside is red/bold then when JavaScript blanks text, when user types it's not red/bold can visually type PDF links, with href ends in .pdf or title has (PDF then add background, padding, etc to display PDF icon that's an example of progressive enhancement but is it an enhancement or does it break things for your users? doesn't work for IE6, so if vital the icons appear, can't do it this way but then it's probably better to make it an img tag anyway might not be an accessibility problem if screenreader reads URL of links, or might be similar idea for a[href^="https"] with a lock icon might be bad on normal sites but great on a banking site, for instance would be great for associations with member-only areas th[scope="col"] border-bottom, but th[scope="row"] border-right or th[scope="row"] + td (td next sibling after th for row) gets left padding could put different borders on gifs and jpgs to check that are using correct format believes values are case-sensitive child selector > can use to mark top-level so can explore: body>div {border: 1px solid red} ul.interesting>li won't get nested links technically a combinator, but we refer to it as the child selector adjacent sibling selector :first-child pseudo-class, like :hover body:first-child isn't right, want body > *:first-child body:first-child is everything below a first-child body since body is generally not the first child of html, that's nothing td:first-child will get you tds that are the first element in their row chained classes and pseudo-classes arbitrary-element :hover full background-attachment: fixed alpha channel in PNG images abbr tag how they determined what to add was driven by looking at the design community they tried to fix things that people had been complaining about for five years they asked the community. can't do all of CSS2, so what's most urgent? diagnostic styles selecting images by types any div with an id, put a border on it: div[id] {border: 1px dotted red;} images missing alt attributes img {border: whatever} img[alt] {border: none !important;} can create diagnostic stylesheet, similar idea to a reset stylesheet could help with accessibility testing on a shoestring was hoping to publish one here, but it's not quite done [here it is] Dean Edwards' IE7 script is a library to make lots of things work in IE5 and IE6 used to be IE proprietary behaviors, then rewritten in JavaScript the IE7 team looked at it to help decide what to fix it's been 0.9 (alpha) since he finished it four years ago con: extra stuff to download many dead bugs, dead parsing bugs mostly the dead bugs make it good that the parsing bugs are dead a fix for IE6 isn't needed by IE7, and IE7 doesn't read the parsing bug hack new parsing bugs! *+html * + html html* p/**/#example @import url() media; or can use conditional comments his clients have chosen CSS hacks over conditional comments theoretically you can use the not pseudo-class to select, say, elements without class foo but it's CSS3 and no one supports it "and its syntax makes my eyes bleed."
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