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interfaces are mostly text try going to a website in a foreign language and see if you can tell how to interact content drives traffic - i.e. boingboing words + how big they are + where they are THIS IS WHY... 1. All sites have big writing / editorial budgets. 2. All sites (especially big ones) have a content czar. yeah right. so what do we do? "Thinking with Type" one of the most humane features of design is to help people read less. guide copy explains what the site's about and how to interact with it should be brief, clear, and enable you to do things Veer is a nice site for buying fonts, pictures, etc. Khoi Vinh saw Zeldman give this talk, and now the NYTimes subscription wall page has a link if copy doesn't set tone, the design can (i.e. e-cards for tween girls) but needs to be audience-appropriate "Understanding Your Medicare Benefits. You must have Flash installed and JavaScript enabled." project management is a tough job - moment of appreciation Basecamp's login "we'll send you right along" is friendly Joyent "Take a tour and we'll prove it." instead of "Read more about our services." give us a chance to make a value proposition Flickr - must appear to be easy to use "copy" copy - doesn't have to be as brief, can be silly XHTML fist shirt has six fingers.... brand copy - taglines, blog subheads, etc. forgetting to write a sentence of introduction totally lose a visitor Marley's daughter's clothing site's shopping cart is way too formal, not reggae Lulu's about page guy in a suit in heaven with huge amounts of text really doesn't work labels can reinforce your brand - Cap Gemini's "how we work together" URLs can be labels - name them for humans reading online might be more fatiguing than reading print, but studies are unclear compare a versus b Attack of the Zombie Copy Your About Page is a Robot how do you reconcile people-read-less with SEO? cutting the fat and natural language help both so does using markup so important words are in headlines can sometimes get funding for editing content by saying will help SEO what are some questions to determine what's brand-appropriate? discovery process. what materials have you already produced about yourselves? what do you know about your stakeholders? compare with real users. there are no good books about copy there are good ones about writing for the web, but they don't address these issues - i.e. Crawford Kilian, Writing for the Web Zeldman is thinking of writing this pronouns in copy? used to be more we, now with blogging more I
ETA: Fixed spelling of Kilian, after seeing his discussion of I versus we prompted by these notes.
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