Bathroom blogging at Diva Marketing – when was the last time you thought about “the importance of bathrooms in the customer experience”? And how often do you judge an organization on its hygiene factors because they haven’t even gotten the basics right? When we clean up our acts, the bathrooms are a good place to start.
Humans networking – a presentation making the point that B2B marketing is about convincing people, and so is an excellent fit for social media efforts. More interesting than the presentation was where some of its insights came from: Greg Verdino used his own online resources to ask his network for their ideas.
What Jeremiah Owyang has learned in a month as an analyst – purely because of the quote at the end, “it’s just amazing that it can take nearly 24 months for work to come to fruition.” The web makes timelines shorter (i.e. Marc Andreessen’s comment on serial entrepreneurship, “when you start company #2 you can assume that it won’t necessarily consume the next 10-20-30 years of your life — you can probably build something successful over say 5 years, maybe 8 years max, and so you’re not committing the rest of your life.”), but sometimes it’s amazing just how much shorter.
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